About Coach Jazz

Empowering women to believe there is no limit to what WE can accomplish.

I help women virtually stay motivated and focused on their health and wellness journey.

Providing weekly meal plans, recipes, inspirational posts and a community of like minded bad a$$ females who are all striving to live their best lives.

Becoming an online motivational fitness coach was a journey born out of my passion for health and well-being.

4 years ago, I struggled to find balance between work life, mom life and finding time to take care of myself. I had 30lbs of post baby weight to evict. I didn't know where to start. I knew there was a way because I had the will to figure it out.

My journey began with becoming a BeachBody Coach. Which soon morphed into creating my own LLC - Body Rock with Jazz and hosting online workout classes.  

 I embarked on this path after experiencing my own personal fitness transformation. Through dedication, hard work, and a commitment to my own health, I achieved remarkable results in terms of weight loss, strength gain, and overall vitality.

My transformation ignited a desire to inspire and guide others on their own fitness journey. Becoming a fitness coach, I delved into the world of online coaching, where I could reach and motivate a broader audience. With a focus on providing tailored fitness plans, personalized motivation, and unwavering support, I've had the privilege of helping numerous clients achieve their fitness and wellness goals.

My mission as an online motivational fitness coach is to empower individuals to realize their full potential, unlock their inner strength, and lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Every day, I am humbled and energized by the success stories and positive transformations of my clients. Through continuous learning, unwavering dedication, and a genuine passion for fitness, I've evolved into a source of motivation and guidance for those seeking to embrace a healthier lifestyle.

My journey is a testament to the power of self-belief, determination, and the impact of a healthy lifestyle. As an online motivational fitness coach, I'm excited to share my expertise and inspire you to reach your own fitness goals and experience the incredible benefits of living a healthier life.

If this sounds like something you want to learn more about, I'm just a click away

Always here to help

Coach Jazz Lowe xox

Step into Your power &

Unlock your potential

Getting a fitness coach can be a game-changer on your journey to better health and fitness